ArcReader is a free and easy-to-use application that allows users to view and print maps that are published as Published Map Files (PMF) by the ArcGIS Publisher extension to ArcGIS for Desktop. PMF files preserve a live connection to the data, so the user's data view is always dynamic. ArcReader significantly increases access to maps throughout all parts of an organization, introducing a new way for individuals and enterprises to share information that was once limited to those with advanced GIS software on their computers. The key capabilities of ArcReader are. Zooming in/out.
Panning. Going to previous/next extent. Viewing spatial bookmarks. Viewing and printing previously authored map layouts. Searching with the Find tool. Identifying features.
Using the hyperlink tool. Measuring features.
The National Map is a suite of products and services that provide access to base geospatial information to describe the landscape of the United States and its territories. The National Map embodies 11 primary products and services and numerous applications and ancillary services.
The National Map supports data download, digital and print versions of topographic maps, geospatial data services, and online viewing. Customers can use geospatial data and maps to enhance their recreational experience, make life-saving decisions, support scientific missions, and for countless other activities.
Nationally consistent geospatial data from The National Map enable better policy and land management decisions and the effective enforcement of regulatory responsibilities. The National Map is easily accessible for display on the Web through such products as topographic maps and services and as downloadable data. The geographic information available from The National Map includes boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation. The majority of The National Map effort is devoted to acquiring and integrating medium-scale (nominally 1:24,000 scale) geospatial data for the eight base layers from a variety of sources and providing access to theresulting seamless coverages of geospatial data.
The National Map also serves as the source of base mapping information for derived cartographic products, including 1:24,000 scale US Topo maps and georeferenced digital files of scanned historic topographic maps. Data sets and products from The National Map are intended for use by government, industry, and academia—focusing on geographic information system (GIS) users—as well as the public, especially in support of recreation activities. Other types of georeferenced or mapping information can be added within The National Map Viewer or brought in with The National Map data into a GIS to create specific types of maps or map views and (or) to perform modeling or analyses. National Map GIS data download and other related applications for working with our topographic data are available on our Data Delivery site. The National Map (TNM) supporting themes include boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation.
Other types of georeferenced or mapping information can be added within TNM Viewer or brought in with TNM data into a GIS to create specific types of maps or map views and (or) to perform modeling or analyses. NMCorps is an online crowdsourcing mapping project with volunteers successfully editing structures in all 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. As part of, structures include schools, hospitals, post offices, police stations, cemeteries, and other important public buildings. By updating and verifying structures data, volunteers are making significant contributions to USGS National Structures Database, The National Map, and ultimately! Anyone with an interest in contributing can volunteer.
It is easy to! All you need is access to the internet, an email address, and a willingness to learn. “How to” documentation including a comprehensive and a will have you up and editing quickly. In your own hometown or anywhere in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Pdf Viewer Free Download
Virgin Islands. Volunteers earn for participating and are recognized for their contributions (with permission) via USGS and The National Map social media.