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Gps 60 Garmin Driver For Mac

I have a Garmin GPSmap 60CSx. When I plug it into the computer (Macbook Pro) the Garmin shows a symbol that means it recognizes that it's plugged in. My mac however does not show this. It's nowhere to be found on any drive. It's plugged into a USB port. I've been to the Garmin webpages where they list out all their apps/plug ins for Macs and I've downloaded everything pretty much but no success. The communicator plug in doesn't work for me, it still says no GPS device is detected.

Garmin Gps Download Software

I have BaseCamp loaded and it seems to be working but the 'send to gps' links are faded out (unclickable) because there is seemingly 'no device connected'. The cable I'm using did not come with the GPS, but I'm hoping that since the GPS recognizes the plug that it will still work. Any suggestions? (if nothing else, are there any GPS units out there that are seamlessly compatible with Macs?).